All 20 /CONFERENCES 13 /CONSORTIUM MEETINGS 0 /DELIVERABLES 0 /DISSEMINATION MATERIAL 0 /DOCUMENTS 0 /FACT SHEETS 0 /Factsheets-CaLsol 0 /Factsheets-Hf 0 /Factsheets-Project 0 /Factsheets-XF 0 /Featured Bibliography 0 /GUIDELINES 0 /MEETINGS 2 /Modules and Templates 0 /NEWS 0 /NEWSLETTER 0 /PHOTO GALLERY 0 /PRESS REVIEW 0 /Project Deliverables 0 /PROJECT REPORTS 0 /Protocols-CaLsol 0 /Protocols-Xylella 0 /SAFETY AND SECURITY 0 /SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS 0 /STAKEHOLDER BOARD 0 /Symptom-CaLsol 0 /Symptom-Xylella 0 /Symptoms-Forestry 0 /TECHNICAL WORKSHOPS 5

The contributions of POnTE and XF-ACTORS research at the European Congress of Entomology (ECE 2018)
09/08/2018/by Staff
Researchers from POnTE and XF-ACTORS speakers at the plant pathology’s leading event ICPP 2018 in Boston
01/08/2018/by Staff
Dr. Saldarelli (CNR-IPSP) presents POnTE and XF-ACTORS research on Xylella fastidiosa at AIT Seminar Series in Tulln
06/06/2018/by Staff
CURE-XF Project announces an International Summer School on Xylella fastidiosa in Bari
05/06/2018/by Staff
POnTE will be present at 2019 BIOCONTROL Symposium on Biological Control of Bacterial Plant Diseases
05/06/2018/by Staff
POnTE Project presented at the EU AgriResearch Conference in Brussels
08/05/2018/by Staff
A Project Meeting on POnTE research on CaLsol pathosystem held in Bordeaux
27/04/2018/by Staff
The successful training workshop on the diagnosis of Xylella fastidiosa and identification of insect vectors held in Locorotondo
08/03/2018/by Staff
Achievements of the successful training workshop on detection and identification of Xylella fastidiosa held in Angers
19/02/2018/by Staff
POnTE Project was presented at the Conference “Analysis, planning and financing in a framework of Green Economy” held in Serbia
19/02/2018/by Staff
A workshop on “Rapid Diagnostic Tools for Phytophthora” next to be held in Catania, Italy
04/02/2018/by Staff
H2020-funded research on Xylella fastidiosa presented at the EuroXanth COST Annual Conference in Coimbra
26/12/2017/by Staff
POnTE Project researchers at the Meeting on Plant Protection in Serbia
19/12/2017/by Staff
First International Congress for plant protection in Mediterranean Ecosystems – Call for abstracts
04/12/2017/by Staff
Great success for POnTE and XF-ACTORS Annual meeting 2017 in Palma de Mallorca
25/11/2017/by Staff
POnTE and XF-ACTORS ready for their joint annual meeting in Palma de Mallorca
10/11/2017/by Staff
Participation of POnTE researchers at the XI Symposium of Serbian Entomologists
13/10/2017/by Staff
POnTE researchers visit the demarcated area for Xylella fastidiosa in mainland Spain
10/10/2017/by Staff
ANSES announces registration for the training workshop on Xylella organized in Angers in January 2018
06/10/2017/by Staff