J.A. Navas-Cortés will present POnTE at ESPACIOINNOVA event organised by CITOLIVA in Spain

ESPACIOINNOVA is an event organised by CITOLIVA every 2 years in the frame of Expoliva, an International Fair of the olive oil and allied industries, this year being held in Jaén, Spain, from 10 to 12 May, 2017. This event brings the results of R&D and innovation projects in which CITOLIVA is involved.

In ESPACIOINNOVA 2017 Dr. Juan Antonio Navas-Cortés from IAS-CSIC will present an overview, the current state of the art and some results of POnTE Project and, specifically, those related to Xylella fastidiosa and olive crops.

The lecture given by Dr. Navas-Cortés, entitled “Impacto de las plagas emergentes que amenazan Europa el caso de la Xylella fastidiosa en el olivar“, is scheduled for May 12, 2017, and will be held at IFEJA Congress Center, in Jaén.

To know more on ESPACIOINNOVA 2017, please download the complete program of the event.