Entries by Staff

SASA.GOV.UK | SASA announces its participation in POnTE

SASA is pleased to announce that it is a partner in a 4 year EU Horizon 2020 project (POnTE) to investigate 4 major plant pests threatening Europe Horizon 2020 is the EUs Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and POnTE’s 25 partners will receive € 6.8 million over 4 years to develop early detection and […]

AGRITEST.IT | Sustain management of emerging diseases and alien pests

Reinforcing the Agritest commitment in enhancing the economical value of scientific findings by research partnerships, the POnTE project will lead to the improvement of our Xylella fastidiosa diagnostics to support agro-system sustainability. Since the beginning of the Apulia outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa, and under our long-standing technology transfer agreement with the University of Bari DiSSPA […]

IAS.CSIC.ES | Investigadores del IAS participan en el Proyecto POnTE

Article in original language El CSIC a través de sus investigadores en el Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible: B. B. Landa, J. A. Navas-Cortés y P. Zarco; y del Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias: A. Fereres Y A. Moreno, participa en un nuevo proyecto europeo de la convocatoria “SUSTAINABLE FOOD SECURITY H2020-SFS-2014-2015 SFS-03a-2014: Native and alien pests […]

CITOLIVA.ES | Presentación del proyecto POnTE

Article in original language POnTE-Pest Organisms Threatening Europe OBJETIVO Minimizar el riesgo de introducción / impacto de las plagas emergentes que amenazan la agricultura y los bosques de la UE. En concreto, el proyecto se centra en: 1) Xylella fastidiosa y sus vectores en olivo, vid, cítricos, frutas con hueso, plantas ornamentales y árboles del […]

LOEWE.COM | LOEWE announces its participation to POnTE project

We are proud to announce that we are participating in the POnTE (Pest Organisms Threatening Europe) project funded by the HORIZON 2020 program for Research and Innovation of the European Union. The proposal focuses to minimize the risk of introduction/impact of emerging pests threatening EU agriculture and forestry. The targets are: 1) Xylella fastidiosa and […]

INRA.FR|Le centre participe à la mobilisation sur la recherche autour de Xylella fastidiosa

Article in original language La lutte contre X. fastidiosa se concentre actuellement sur des mesures de lutte destructive en l’absence d’autres méthodes. Cette bactérie qui s’attaque à une grande variété de végétaux fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches dans son aire d’origine, les Amériques. Depuis 2013, l’Inra apporte son expertise en santé des plantes pour développer […]

Xylella fastidiosa: 233 outbreaks reported in Corsica since July

The spread of the harmful bacteria Xylella fastidiosa is far from being eradicated from Corsica, one of the two areas in France, where the pathogen has been detected (the other is the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, on the mainland). Over 40% of the Corsican territory is now comprised in the buffer zone, i.e. the 10 km, at least, width area surrounding […]