AGRITEST.IT | Sustain management of emerging diseases and alien pests

Reinforcing the Agritest commitment in enhancing the economical value of scientific findings by research partnerships, the POnTE project will lead to the improvement of our Xylella fastidiosa diagnostics to support agro-system sustainability.

Since the beginning of the Apulia outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa, and under our long-standing technology transfer agreement with the University of Bari DiSSPA and CNR-IPSP , Agritest set the experimental framework to study the reliability of testing olive samples against the threatening alien pathogen.Being partner of the International Research Consortium POnTE project we are now sharing our experience in a wider scientific context with the aim of providing competent contribution to improve, demonstrate and disseminate practical solutions to the control of the emerging disease.

Published on Feb 4, 2016 by AGRITEST.IT