Tag Archive for: psyllids

Non-destructive DNA extraction from Psyllids
This protocol describes the method for extracting DNA from psyllid…

A training workshop on classical and molecular identification of psyllids held in Edinburgh
A 2-day training workshop (23-24 March 2017) in the classical…

Neonicotinoid insecticides losing efficiency in potato psyllid control
by Kay Ledbetter
The potato industry may be losing a…

Zebra chip disease: Portable diagnostic tool breakthrough aims for fast, accurate results
By Michelle Stanley and Tyne Logan
A new portable diagnostic…

Sex-specific probing behaviour of the carrot psyllid Bactericera trigonica and its implication in the transmission of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’
C.A. Antolínez 1, A. Fereres1, A. Moreno1

A technical workshop on psyllid vector identification organized by SASA in Edinburgh
A technical workshop on psyllid identification is going to be…

Assessing the Likelihood of Transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum to Carrot by Potato Psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae)
Joseph E. Munyaneza, Affiliation USDA-ARS,…