A technical workshop on psyllid vector identification organized by SASA in Edinburgh

A technical workshop on psyllid identification is going to be organized, in the framework of POnTE Project, on March 23-24 2017 by Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA) in  Edinburgh, UK.

The psyllid ID workshop will provide participants with the classical and molecular taxonomic tools to achieve accurate species identification. The workshop will focus on the five known and potential vector species of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (B. cockerelli, T. apicalis, B. trigonica, B. tremblayi, B. nigricornis) and will cover other significant species and genera. SASA has a team of experienced entomologists providing the training in classical taxonomy, including David Ouvrard (Natural History Museum), Mairi Carnegie (SASA), Alex Greenslade (Rothamsted Research), Fiona Highet (SASA), and Rebecca Cairns (SASA). Jennifer Sjolund and Yvonne Arnsdorf (SASA) will provide the training in molecular taxonomic tools. The workshop will only available for POnTE Project partners.

To ensure that participants have enough one-to-one time with psyllid experts to adequately learn the many classical taxonomic features, the workshop will be limited to around 10 participants. As spaces are limited, priority will be given to partners working on psyllids in WP5 (“Vector pathogen identification and disease epidemiology”).

The preliminary schedule of the event is available for download at this link.

Bactericera trigonica (Courtesy David Ouvrard, http://www.hemiptera-databases.org)

Bactericera trigonica (Courtesy David Ouvrard, http://www.hemiptera-databases.org)