Symptoms of Xylella fastidiosa diseases in Spain

Xylella fastidiosa in Spain. Symptoms recorded on different hosts.

A photo gallery of symptoms associated with Xylella fastidiosa infections in different host plants in Spain has been prepared by CSIC-Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (Cordoba, Spain), IVIA-Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (Valencia, Spain) and Regional Government of the Balearic Islands (GOIB, Spain).

This slideshow presentation has been prepared within the framework of the H2020 research Projects POnTE (Pest Organisms Threatening Europe) and XF-ACTORS (Xylella Fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy).

All photos have been kindly provided by Dr. Blanca B. Landa (CSIC-IAS, Cordoba), Juan A. Navas-Cortes (CSIC-IAS, Cordoba), Ester Marco Noales (IVIA, Valencia), and Andreu Juan Serra (GOIB, Balearic Islands).