The autonomous community of the Balearic Islands declares the whole Balearic archipelago “Demarcated” for Xylella

Novel information has been released on the occurrence and the geographic extent of the infections in the newly reported outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa in the Balearic Islands (Spain), where the situation is fast evolving.

On January 24, 2017, the “Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Agricultura i Pesca” of the local autonomous government (“Govern de les Illes Balears“) declared the whole territory of the Balearic Islands “infected” by Xylella fastidiosa.

Based on the latest information, 92 plants have been found infected with Xylella, 71 samples from the island of Mallorca, where the first outbreak was reported in sweet cherry trees in Porto Cristo a few months ago, and additional infected samples (n. 21) found on the island of Ibiza.

Based on the official report, the Authorities declared the findings of isolates genetically related to two subspecies: fastidiosa and multiplex; and the finding plants belonging to several species have been found infected: olive, wild olive, oleander, polygala, almond, plum, acacia and lavender.
Indeed, based on this Decision, the demarcation of the “infected area” is currently extended to the entire territory of the archipelago, including all the neighbouring islands.

Images of the Press Conference