LAS PROVINCIAS.ES | Activan un plan de choque contra el ‘ébola del olivo’

31/05/2016/by Staff

NATURE.COM | Gridlock over Italy’s olive tree deaths starts to ease

20/05/2016/by Staff

GEORGOFILI.INFO | Un Ponte contro la Xylella fastidiosa

13/05/2016/by Staff

PHYTOMA.COM | Proyecto POnTE, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación para la lucha contra Xylella fastidiosa

12/05/2016/by Staff

GRANDES CULTIVOS.COM | Transmisión de Xylella fastidiosa y posibles estrategias de control en olivar

12/05/2016/by Staff

ALMANACCO.CNR.IT | Un Ponte contro la Xylella fastidiosa

04/05/2016/by Staff

Forest Research involved in POnTE to explore emerging diseases of forests

03/05/2016/by Staff

FAO-IPPC-CIHEAM International workshop on Xylella fastidiosa

22/04/2016/by Staff

IVIA announces its participation to POnTE Project

17/03/2016/by Staff

NIBIO announces its participation to POnTE Project

24/02/2016/by Staff

UniBA partner del Consorzio Internazionale di Ricerca POnTE

24/02/2016/by Staff

SASA.GOV.UK | SASA announces its participation in POnTE

12/02/2016/by Staff

AGRITEST.IT | Sustain management of emerging diseases and alien pests

10/02/2016/by Staff

Madrid Annual Meeting: Photo Gallery

07/02/2016/by Staff

IAS.CSIC.ES | Investigadores del IAS participan en el Proyecto POnTE

02/02/2016/by Staff

DIARIO DE GASTRONOMIA.COM | Proyecto internacional para prevenir la ‘Xylella fastidiosa’ del olivo

01/02/2016/by Staff