University of Belgrade hosts a technical workshop on invasive disease on ash and broadleaved species

In the framework of POnTE Project, a workshop for forestry practitioners will be held in Belgrade (Serbia) at the University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry on September 28th, 2016.

This technical workshop will broaden knowledge of foresters and other interested about recently reported alien invasive disease Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. During the workshop, alien invasive Phytophthora species on broadleaved trees, that might cause problems in the future, will be overviewed. Together with researchers from the host University, eminent speakers from UK and Sweden will present recent knowledge about mentioned topics.

The event will see, among the speakers, the presence of Dr. D. Boscia, Dr. A. Perez-Sierra, Prof. A. Obradović, Prof. N. Keča, Dr. L. Keča and Dr. I. Milenković, representing several Partners belonging to the Project Consortium. Dr. Boscia, in the role of coordinator, will present the Project activities to the audience.

The participation to the technical workshop is free and accessible to all interested parties.

The day preceding the workshop the University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry will host, at the same location, also the Management Board Meeting, dealing with the results obtained during the first year of the Project.

The two-day complete program is available at this link.