Tag Archive for: UNIBA

POnTE research on Xylella features a major contribution to the XXII Congress of the Italian Society of Plant Pathology
The XXII National Congress of the Italian Society of Plant Pathology…

POnTE and JRC conduct a coordinated campaign for the simultaneous acquisition of field surveys and remote sensing data over the Apulian Xf-infected area
During the last week of June 2016, CSIC, CNR-IPSP, UNIBA and…

OLIVE OIL TIMES | Research shows Leccino less susceptible to Xf
According to a new study, the Leccino olive variety appears…

Three new plant species found infected by Xylella fastidiosa in Apulia
Phillyrea latifolia L. (also known as "mock privet"), Lavandula…

M.A. Jacques (INRA) visits Bari research team to strengthen research activities on Xylella fastidiosa in Italy and France
Dr. Marie-Agnès Jacques, Director of Research of the EmerSys…

Transcriptome profiling of two olive cultivars in response to infection by the CoDiRO strain of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca
Authors: Giampetruzzi A., Morelli M., Saponari M., Loconsole…

POnTE Project presented at an informative meeting on Xylella fastidiosa held at Bari University
[GTranslate] Google Translation
POnTE EU project was presented…

POnTE Consortium expands the research collaboration to JRC
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) and…

Brazilian scientist Alessandra de Souza visits CNR-IPSP lab to support WP7 tasks on Xf control
During the week from 10 to 17 April, Dr. Alessandra de Souza, team…

UniBA partner del Consorzio Internazionale di Ricerca POnTE
Article in original language.
Progetto quadriennale finanziato…