Tag Archive for: Phytophthora

“Pest Organisms threatening Europe: crops and forests. The focus on Xylella fastidiosa in olive fields”, a workshop organized in Madrid
On 14th December 2016 a workshop will be held in Madrid, organized…

Invasive diseases on ash and broadleaved species in Serbia
The one day (September 28th, 2016) training workshop on invasive…

University of Belgrade hosts a technical workshop on invasive disease on ash and broadleaved species
In the framework of POnTE Project, a workshop for forestry practitioners…

WP8 meeting on plant disease risk assessment held at Wageningen University
Researchers involved in the Work Package 8 (Plant disease risk…

Options for developing an integrated framework to assess the impacts of exotic plant pests in Europe
Authors: Espaldon, M.L., van der Werf, W., Mourits, M.C.M., Oude…

POnTE Project presented at conference on Xylella organized by AVA-ASAJA in Valencia
POnTE EU project was presented at the conference “Xylella fastidiosa…

GEORGOFILI.INFO | Un Ponte contro la Xylella fastidiosa
Article in original language [GTranslate] Google Translation

PHYTOMA.COM | Proyecto POnTE, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación para la lucha contra Xylella fastidiosa
Article in original language [GTranslate]
El proyecto…

A conference on Xylella and the fight against pest and diseases in the EU organized by AVA-ASAJA in Valencia
On Tuesday 10 May, the Spanish regional grower association AVA-ASAJA…