MICROBE POST | On the Horizon: Xylella fastidiosa

By BENJAMIN THOMPSON It’s not just humans and animals that are affected by emerging diseases. In this latest addition to the On the Horizon series, we learn about a poorly understood bacterium that causes significant hardships to farmers across the world. The Apulia region, a thin strip of southeast Italy that stretches out into the Ionian […]

MAJORCA DAILY BULLETIN| Tougher measures sought to prevent “olive ebola” in the Balearics

The Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) bacterium was first being detected last year in parts of Europe. Commonly referred to as the “olive ebola”, it can cause serious damage to olive trees and also to almond, fig and citrus trees. The El Pi party has now taken the matter to the Balearic parliament in seeking the means […]

AGRONEWS CASTILLA Y LEON | La preocupación por la bacteria Xylella fastidiosa centra la jornada informativa realizada hoy por la La Unió de Llauradors en La Jana

Article in original language [GTranslate] La Unió de Llauradors ha organizado hoy, 13 de julio, en la localidad de La Jana (Maestrat) una interesante jornada informativa sobre la amenaza que supone para el cultivo del olivo y otros cultivos leñosos la Xylella fastidiosa, conocida como el ébola del olivo, y las medidas de lucha y control […]

OLIVE OIL TIMES | Research shows Leccino less susceptible to Xf

According to a new study, the Leccino olive variety appears to be ‘tolerant’ to the attack of the Xylella fastidiosa bacterium that has wiped out large swaths of Italian olive-growing regions. By YLENIA GRANITTO According to new research the variety Leccino appears to be ‘tolerant’ to the attack of the Xylella fastidiosa bacterium. The study, […]

EFISEE REGIONAL NEWSLETTER | Faculty of Forestry – University of Belgrade involved in POnTE project

The EFISEE Regional office, a unit of the European Forest Institute which focuses its activities in South-East Europe, has announced in the 18th issue of its monthly newsletter, the involvement of the University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry in POnTE Project. The EFISEE REGIONAL NEWSLETTER No. 18, released in Croatian and English, is available for download at this […]

GRANDES CULTIVOS.COM | Situación actual de Xylella fastidiosa en Europa y riesgo para la sostenibilidad del olivar

Article in original language  [GTranslate] Blanca B. Landa del Castillo. Investigadora Científica del Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IAS), CSIC Rafael M. Jiménez Díaz. Catedrático Emérito de Patología Vegetal de ETSIAM, Universidad de Córdoba Miguel Montes Borrego. Investigador Posdoctoral del Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IAS), CSIC Juan A. Navas Cortés. Investigador Científico del Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IAS), CSIC […]

LAS PROVINCIAS.ES | Activan un plan de choque contra el ‘ébola del olivo’

Article in original language  [GTranslate] Google Translation Agricultura ha reforzado los controles en viveros y las prospecciones para detectar la extensión de la plaga, que ha devastado regiones de Italia Bernat Sirvent La situación en materia de sanidad vegetal de la Comunitat es, en general, muy buena, aunque existen numerosas amenazas de plagas tanto procedentes […]

NATURE.COM | Gridlock over Italy’s olive tree deaths starts to ease

Alison Abbott A court ruling paves the way for disease-containment measures, but the risk of spread to other regions and nations remains [GTranslate] Google Translate From a small hill in the Puglia region of southern Italy, plant pathologist Donato Boscia gestures towards a landscape of the dullest brown—dead and dying olive trees as far as the […]


GEORGOFILI.INFO | Un Ponte contro la Xylella fastidiosa

Article in original language  [GTranslate] Google Translation POnTE (Pest Organisms Threatening Europe) è un progetto di ricerca internazionale di quattro anni finanziato dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del programma Horizon 2020-Societal Challenge 2-2014. Ponte ha l’obiettivo di acquisire nuove conoscenze sulla genetica, la biologia, l’epidemiologia, l’ecologia dei vettori e gli impatti economici di tre patosistemi che rappresentano […]

PHYTOMA.COM | Proyecto POnTE, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación para la lucha contra Xylella fastidiosa

Article in original language  [GTranslate] El proyecto ‘POnTE’, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación financiado por la Comisión Europea para avanzar en la lucha contra la bacteria Xylella fastidiosa, que ha desatado la alarma entre los productores de aceite europeos ya que en Italia ya ha arrasado miles de olivos. En este proyecto Horizonte […]

GRANDES CULTIVOS.COM | Transmisión de Xylella fastidiosa y posibles estrategias de control en olivar

Article in original language  [GTranslate] Alberto Fereres Castiel. Dr. Ingeniero Agrónomo. Profesor de Investigación en el Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias, CSIC Marina Morente Diaz. Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas en el Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias, CSIC Abstracto La bacteria Xylella fastidiosa constituye una gran amenaza para toda la agricultura europea, no solo por su ya demostrada capacidad para producir […]

ALMANACCO.CNR.IT | Un Ponte contro la Xylella fastidiosa

Article in original language Ponte (Pest Organisms Threatening Europe) è un progetto di ricerca internazionale di quattro anni finanziato dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del programma Horizon 2020-Societal Challenge 2-2014. Ha preso avvio a novembre 2015 con il ‘kick off meeting’ che si è tenuto presso l’Aula Bisogno della sede centrale del Cnr, a Roma. Ponte ha […]

Forest Research involved in POnTE to explore emerging diseases of forests

This multi-partner EU project is exploring the genetics, biology, epidemiology, vector ecology and economic impacts of four pathosystems that threatens strategic crops and forestry in the EU. These are: Xylella fastidiosa , Candidatus ‘Liberibacter solanacearum’, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and new and exotic Phytophthora species. Research objectives This project is aimed at understanding and minimizing the risk […]

IVIA announces its participation to POnTE Project

Article in original language El proyecto ‘POnTE’, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación financiado por la Comisión Europea para avanzar en la lucha contra la bacteria ‘Xylella fastidiosa’, que ha desatado la alarma entre los productores de aceite europeos ya que en Italia ya ha arrasado miles de olivos. En este proyecto Horizonte 2020 […]

NIBIO announces its participation to POnTE Project

NIBIO announces its participation to POnTE Project POnTE is a four-year research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (2014-2020), call SFS-03a-2014: Sustainable food production systems-Native and alien pests in agriculture and forestry. The Project focused on the investigation of genetics, biology, epidemiology, vector ecology and economic impacts of three pathosystems […]

UniBA partner del Consorzio Internazionale di Ricerca POnTE

Article in original language.  Progetto quadriennale finanziato dalla Commissione Europea L’Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, rappresentata dal Dipartimento di Scienze del suolo, della pianta e degli alimenti (DISSPA), il cui referente scientifico è il prof. Francesco Porcelli,è partner del Consorzio Internazionale di ricerca POnTE, impegnato nello sviluppo di un progetto quadriennale, finanziato dalla […]

SASA.GOV.UK | SASA announces its participation in POnTE

SASA is pleased to announce that it is a partner in a 4 year EU Horizon 2020 project (POnTE) to investigate 4 major plant pests threatening Europe Horizon 2020 is the EUs Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and POnTE’s 25 partners will receive € 6.8 million over 4 years to develop early detection and […]

AGRITEST.IT | Sustain management of emerging diseases and alien pests

Reinforcing the Agritest commitment in enhancing the economical value of scientific findings by research partnerships, the POnTE project will lead to the improvement of our Xylella fastidiosa diagnostics to support agro-system sustainability. Since the beginning of the Apulia outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa, and under our long-standing technology transfer agreement with the University of Bari DiSSPA […]

IAS.CSIC.ES | Investigadores del IAS participan en el Proyecto POnTE

Article in original language El CSIC a través de sus investigadores en el Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible: B. B. Landa, J. A. Navas-Cortés y P. Zarco; y del Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias: A. Fereres Y A. Moreno, participa en un nuevo proyecto europeo de la convocatoria “SUSTAINABLE FOOD SECURITY H2020-SFS-2014-2015 SFS-03a-2014: Native and alien pests […]

DIARIO DE GASTRONOMIA.COM | Proyecto internacional para prevenir la ‘Xylella fastidiosa’ del olivo

Article in original language La bacteria llamada Xylella fastidiosa ha desatado recientemente la alarma entre la mayoría de los productores de aceite europeos después de que en Italia haya infectado miles de olivos y obligado a destruir amplias zonas de plantación bajo estrictas medidas introducidas por la Unión Europea el pasado mes de abril. En […]