Ponte Project findings and achievements: Xylella fastidiosa

Factsheet “Ponte Project findings and achievements: Xylella…

Factsheet on Xylella fastidiosa

A factsheet has been issued by Generalitat Valenciana to raise…

Latest Developments of Xylella fastidiosa in the EU territory

An update on the latest developments of Xylella fastidiosa in…

INRA-Le point sur Xylella fastidiosa

A factsheet on Xylella fastidiosa threat, in French, published by…

Preguntes/Respostes sobre Xylella fastidiosa

A question/answer factsheet on Xylella fastidiosa threat, in…

Facing the threat of Xylella fastidiosa together

A factsheet on Xylella fastidiosa threat published by the…

Xylella fastidiosa, a factsheet by Junta de Andalucia, Spain

Xylella fastidiosa A brochure realised, in Spanish language,…

Xylella fastidiosa and its hosts

Xylella fastidiosa and its hosts A brochure realized, in…

Philaenus spumarius: diagnostic features

Philaenus spumarius: diagnostic features by Jean-François GERMAIN Anses,…

Potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa recorded in France / Morphological identification

Potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa recorded in France /…